Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Building Zero Problems

I'm working on a new project & I need your help.

One of my favorite parts about life are the beautiful connections we make with each other. One of my least favorite parts about life is an excessive need for validation, from other people, especially when I think outside the box. Whether it's 1-time advice from the old man sitting next to you at the bar, or a life-changing decision you're desperately seeking an answer for - being heard is important.

It took me a really long time to understand that I wasn't the only person who felt insecure when I didn't know the answer to something. This next project is something I'm really passionate about. My goal is to get people, from all walks of life, talking and asking questions in a safe space that is meant for nothing more but connection, ease and entertainment. 

I've never felt understood and I've always been selfish enough to think I was the only one. My life has always been a confusing contradiction of trying to make a million things work at once.

From growing up in Texas, as a competitive cheerleader, moving to Utah with a non-traditional Christian background to being sought after in high school as someone who could be saved with LDS Missionary lessons. Going to Acting/Film school in Salt Lake City while being bullied by Sorority sisters and drugged on multiple occasions in Fraternity houses, remaining as an empty shell. Spending time in therapy, failed relationships and friendships, to blogging about my problems afterwards. To finally getting the courage to leave and go to Acting school for a summer in LA. Back to working in the top Talent Agency in SLC & then making a move to San Francisco to pursue a career (my dream career @ my dream company) in Entertainment and Social Media, which eventually all crumbled in my lap. All of this, with an intense obsession for Gangster Rap, Ancient Aliens and my insanely diverse group of friends.

I may not be an expert in advice-giving, but I've seen some shit and I am extremely passionate about people and their stories. 

This platform is now open for discussion:

disclaimer: The end goal in this project is building a larger platform to discuss the questions being asked. Thanks for reading!

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