Sunday, April 12, 2015

Dear mean bitches,

I've been having a hard time lately.

Some days are good and some days are bad. What makes it all worse, I know I do it to myself. I don't have to feel this way, but I do.

I can remember being a little 4 year old with big hopes & dreams of being recognized for my achievements at an early age. I gave myself a deadline. My 4-year-old-self gave my adult-self a deadline to be successful - to be a millionaire by 24. Obviously, looking back now I realize how far-fetched this dream was, but, I also have to commend little Allie. She was ambitious and it pains me to say, over the past year I've suddenly lost this ambition.

This year, I'll be 24. I think that's why it's all hitting me so hard right now. I haven't acted in almost a year, which is what I was going to school for. I've been writing and recording for a mixtape, which has taken the back seat due to, well, life. I just know that I haven't been myself lately, and I'm tired of that.

I grew up in conservative Texas, moved to conservative Utah when I was 15 and grew up in a (somewhat/mainly) socially liberal family. I was conflicted by my surroundings and by what my family taught me and that was very hard for me.

I lived in a society where moms stayed at home. My friends mom's would wake them up, make them breakfast, take them school and pick them up. Granted, there were several exceptions to this standard but it was the norm for most of my friends. Dads worked, dads traveled and dads were the breadwinners.

That wasn't the case for me.

Both of my parents worked, really fucking hard. My dad would wake up at 4:00 am every morning to get to work, so, my mom would get us ready for school, make sure we ate and dropped us off on her way to work. On days she had to be there early, I would take the bus. Dad would make dinner, mom got home after 6:00 pm and that was that. That was my normal.

Kids are brutal, though. I can't tell you how many times my friends would make comments about how weird it was my dad cooked dinner every night. But it got worse.

My mom took a new job when I was in 6th/7th grade, which required her to be in New York City every Monday - Friday. She wanted to be close to family so instead of going east to make it easy on her, we moved to Utah after I finished 9th grade.

All I wanted growing up was to fit in. I was the new kid and with that title, it isn't easy. Luckily, I had cheerleading to put my time and energy into, along with taking out my frustrations. It was a true blessing to have my coaches looking out for me, with the few teachers I actually respected, along with my amazing parents and family. I was never alone but I felt that way for a long time.

It was hard in high school to be in a town that was mainly Mormon and not exactly accepting of people who are different, aka me and my family. Girls and their moms (mainly from my cheer team) would make comments about my mom being absent for certain events, or how it was strange that while everyone had cheer moms, I had a cheer dad.

Right now, I'd like to take a sec a give a big FUCK YOU to all of those bitchy girls & their sad moms that I knew back then. Thank you for being so mean to me. You gave me my drive to be better.

I was bullied, very equally, by boys and girls. I don't know how I made it through some days, but I did. I'm still here and I'm still fighting. I still deal with bullies and it still makes me sad. You just have to remember to focus on the good, put your energy where it belongs and spend time with people who enjoy spending time with you!!!

I'm not sure where the passion went, I know it's still inside of me, I just haven't been searching for it hard enough lately. Remembering what got me to this point is a great starter, though. If you're reading this and you can relate, just remember that you aren't alone! Life is hard, people are mean but you have to enjoy what you've been given because it's all we know! This world is beautiful. Even if it can be pretty shitty, find the beauty in the shit!!

And for the record, I have the best parents in the entire world. We struggled for awhile to see eye-to-eye, but I know now that everything they did was to ensure I could live my dreams one day. They are two of the most incredible people I've ever met and I'm so lucky they support my crazy antics. They always have and I know they always will.

Anyway, you're not alone. You never are! If you feel that way, talk to me. Please. Life is too precious to feel like you don't have anyone to talk to about your experiences!! Always remind yourself that.

Fashion Update:

New fave shoes - from: Inu-Inu

&Like I said earlier, if you need someone - talk to me! 

Here are my social media sites:

Thanks 4 listening.
