Monday, October 19, 2015

LOL, u fake.

Have you ever had to deal with a compulsive/pathological liar? Have you ever been friends with someone for years, had a gut instinct about it, but never paid attention? I have.

Let me tell you, crazy bitches are NOT worth it.

I think when I finally started to realize the inconsistencies in her actions was a few years into our friendship. When I broke my phone, she would claim, "oh don't worry - I have a guy for that." When I locked myself out of my car it was always, "oh yeah no problem - I have a guy for that." When the water pressure was low in my apartment complex, and I just needed to vent - it was always, "I have a guy you can call for that."

I will only skim the details, I will spare you by not delving into all the shady shit I ignored. I blame myself for being so open, trusting and naive about the situation, alas, you live and learn. Sometimes after its too late.

The worst kind of people in this world are ones who claim to be something they are not. Or people who use and abuse good qualities in other people. Whether they take your ideas, use them as their own to get ahead in life, or take advantage of you - when you start to realize that, it's time to walk away.

I've never been an extremely confident person, I may not put off that vibe but it took a long time before I actually started to believe I was confident. I always second-guessed myself, when it came to my interests, especially my fashion choices. When I started to gain confidence and realized that dressing differently than people around me is what made me happy, I started to go for it as much as I could.

"Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery" may be true, but it's also the lamest crock of shit I've ever heard. While it's awesome to be influenced and inspired by people, completely ripping them off is a cowardly move.

I guess my message to you all, is to learn to be comfortable in your own skin. We all have things about us we don't necessarily love, but if you learn to appreciate it all for what it is, you'll live a much happier life!

Be yourself, love yourself. Quit being versions of other people, there's only one you - that's something to make you feel special.

me being trash, but still being me.



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